This site remains as an archive of the activities at Temporary.
27 May 2017 13:00 — 16:00 // Sound and music improvisation group (Svamp) //
Experiment #1.50.1: Sound and music improvisation group (Svamp)
Scheduled from proposal: Svamp 6.0 (open sound/music improvisation) with 100Ŧ

A regular meeting place for people to improvise sound and music together and try out various exercises, games, examples and experiments. And to just play freely. And most of all, to listen.

SVAMP was a long-running series of open sound/music improvisation workshops that have taken place in Helsinki (and Tallinn) sporadically for years. They have been organised by various entities, most recently by Äänen Lumo, and often featured a guest musician leading the group through exercises. 

At Temporary, we will continue the SVAMP name (I guess) and organise a regular gathering to bring together musicians (and non-musicians) interested in group collaboration. Each session can be facilitated by someone different (if desired) who can introduce a structure (if they desire).

Please bring an instrument or something to make sound with. As Temporary doesn't have any amplification, you will need to bring your own, but please keep in mind volume issues and that you will be playing with others (ie: keep it electro-acoustic, if possible).

SVAMP is organised in collaboration with Äänen Lumo.

Sound and music improvisation group (Svamp): current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Participants (7):
No participants have shared any viewpoints on this experiment meeting. (Yet.)

Related experiments: past


This experiment has 4 comments.
hyksos says....
May 21, 2017 19:58

Hi everyone,

I think Lauri Hyvärinen and I will 'lead' this time but hopefully it won't be too constricting.

Please RSVP here so we can have an idea who is coming. I think we'll try to split the time between totally free playing and some loose structures and exercises, probably some fairly standard improvisation tools. But depending on what people & instruments are around, we can mix things up.

Let's also think about getting this happening in June and thereafter. Lan Cao and Gregor Siedl are going to be in Helsinki in July and could also be great for being guest hosts....

taneli.viitahuhta says....
May 23, 2017 14:00

Greetings. As John said, I can't come this time around, but it's nice to see this thing taking shape again. In June, I would prefer the week before Midsummer, 19th to 23th of June.

Tanja Tiekso says....
May 23, 2017 15:16

Hi everyone, I will be attending when I can, the problem is, during the weekdays/office time I am usually busy. Anyhow, I promised to Lauri that I could bring some thoughts/exercises later this summer to experiment with you. Hoping to play with you soon!

hyksos says....
May 23, 2017 15:32

Yeah I think Saturdays work best, most people are busy working or doing something like work.

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