29 May 2017 19:00 — 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
Experiment #1.52.2:
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
Scheduled from proposal:
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation

Electric Sound Meditation is a twice-monthly experimental music and meditation series open to all members of Helsinki community. Each session is hosted by a different experimental musician or sound artist.
There has already been 6 of these sessions, and I'm proposing that this series continue its summer sessions at Temporary as a way to incorporate wellbeing practices with fresh experimental noise-/music-making in a safe and comfy space. Each session can be followed by a slow waking up, hangout, and snacks.
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation:
current experiment status
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Anonymous person who arrived at 19:02

Anonymous person who arrived at 19:02

Anonymous person who arrived at 19:03

Anonymous person who arrived at 19:10
No participants have shared any viewpoints on this experiment meeting. (Yet.)
Related experiments: past
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
19:00 - 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
Electric Sound Meditation is a twice-monthly experimental music and meditation series open to all members...
6 people participated
10 Ŧ earned
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
19:00 - 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation 12.6.2017
Electric Sound Meditation is a twice-monthly experimental music and meditation series open to all members...
2 people participated
0 Ŧ earned
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
19:00 - 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation 26.6.2017
Electric Sound Meditation is a twice-monthly experimental music and meditation series open to all members...
6 people participated
20 Ŧ earned
Hi all! Anyone interested in this should leave a comment here or please message me on Facebook (info in the FB event page below). There are only 10 spots available because of headphone splitter logistics, so please let me know if you are wanting to join!