Proposal: Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
333Ŧ pledged by: Juha Kivekäs (Guttula), mariana.salgado, Ven Marella, Ava Grayson, LFSaw, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels), hyksos, Justin Tyler Tate
Recurring experiment. Meetings:
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
already happened:
15 May 2017 19:00 — 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation
already happened:
29 May 2017 19:00 — 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation 12.6.2017
already happened:
12 Jun 2017 19:00 — 20:00
Magic Mondays: Electric Sound Meditation 26.6.2017
already happened:
26 Jun 2017 19:00 — 20:00
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
Electric Sound Meditation is a twice-monthly experimental music and meditation series open to all members of Helsinki community. Each session is hosted by a different experimental musician or sound artist.
There has already been 6 of these sessions, and I'm proposing that this series continue its summer sessions at Temporary as a way to incorporate wellbeing practices with fresh experimental noise-/music-making in a safe and comfy space. Each session can be followed by a slow waking up, hangout, and snacks.

To push the boundaries of what is possible for listening practices, meditation, and experimental music, and to create a refreshing communal experience for everyone involved.
May 15, May 29, June 12, June 26, all from 19:00-20:00
4 meetings proposed
People with ears who like to relax
weighing in all I have.