Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.


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Ŧ:tä tarvitaan, jotta kokeilu voidaan toteuttaa: 100Ŧ (miksi?)

How To Listen To Music

See full proposal and comments

'How To Listen to Music' will be a regularly occurring (monthly, or whenever anyone wants to lead one) experimental interaction that will look at one topic in music – one particular artist, or piece of sound, or genre, or instrument, or whatever.

The idea of 'How To Listen to Music' is to get beneath the surface of a particular musical work, incorporating external contexts such as film screenings, readings, etc as well as collective listening and perhaps even performance/interpretations.

Each meeting will be led by a different person, who can organise participants however they would like. I imagine it myself as some sort of combination of performative lecture with A/V components, listening party, and workshop to interpret and recreate the music in question.

I'm happy to start with the first one, which will be on the subject of Albert Ayler. If you have an idea to lead a session, leave a comment here and we'll figure it out if this experiment gets enough pledges to be scheduled.


To explore music in a deeper way, collectively. And to share our own musical interpretations, experiences, memories and feelings with others.

How often?
Recurring regularly Planned indefinitely


Each session is one night, a weeknight, a few hours max and no one needs to be prepared except the facilitator

Intended participants:

everyone, even deaf people are welcome (we'll find a way to be inclusive)

Communal Food Dehydrator

See full proposal and comments

Lets see if we can get the Temporary community together to build a food dehydrator we can use to dry food leftovers of dumper dived (?) food.
At the Temporary Futures meeting we discussed about having some common services within the Temporary space and I think a communal food dehydrator would be a good example of such a service.

I have never build one before, so I am looking for other member to help to (find an open) design and build this tool as a group.
If you are interested in helping in the design process in whatever way, for instance by getting the materials, finding recipes, looking up designs, programming or lifting team spirits, just respond in the comments and of course pledge!


- Building a communal service within the temporary space
- assembling a team to design a machine together

How often?
One time only


one weekend at Temporary + preparation time

Intended participants:

free for all

Build your own hydroponics system

See full proposal and comments

Hydroponics is a way of growing plants by exposing their roots to a nutrient solution. With hydroponics you can grow (eatable) plants indoors and year round.
The past couple of months I have been setting up a hydroponics system in the window of my bedroom and growing, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries and some herbs. I was quite surprised by how well it all worked.
The basics are quite simple, but you can make your system more complex over time by connecting it to an aquarium, adding extra lights or by placing sensors monitoring pH, dissolved nutrients etc.
In this experiment however, I would like to focus on how to make the simplest scale-able system possible that you can customize further at home.


Teaching the basics of hydroponics
Building a simple set up
Grow your own food at home

How often?
One time only


will probably take one afternoon, sometime in September, October?

Intended participants:

No limit

Different Soundtracks

See full proposal and comments

Different Soundtracks is an attempt to create, well, different soundtracks to existing movies (or movie scenes). The movie selection will be unusual and eclectic and will be compiled by John Fail and Lauri Hyvärinen secretly beforehand.

The selection of players/sound makers can be 'curated' or spontaneous – or both. It could also feature performers from other fields such as poetry or movement.

Everyone does not need to participate in creating soundtracks, but can join as a member of audience too.

This could be a semi-regularly continuing experiment. In this situation the following events can take different forms, e.g. changing curators, not curated players, etc.


1) to bring together different sound makers and performers

2) to try different approaches to live soundtrack making, hopefully in unexpected ways, contexts and settings

3) to have fun

4) enjoyable and fun for an audience too

How often?
Multiple meetings (3 estimated)


First time somewhere between September 1-7

Intended participants:

Anyone and everyone

Live Your Legend Helsinki Meetup

See full proposal and comments

Live Your Legend Helsinki meetup. An on-going seris of meetups (usually it is 1 meetup per month) is a relaxed hang out, where our chat usually circles around some practical, humorous, or philosophical aspects of life, work, relationships, personal growth, etc. Share whatever is on your mind ...or just listen, if you prefer. Anyone can just join and come check it out. If you haven't been with us before, we are a sociable bunch including all kinds of people (regular people, engineers, IT people, bloggers, students of psychology, etc), and we're happy to meet new people. Everybody is welcome

Part of the meetup is the opportunity for anyone interested to do/get some peer-coaching which follows a structure of 3 questions (in case you are new to this, these questions are a common feature that's used in LYL groups around the world, to facilitate the discussion):
- what are you building? (i.e., what's your current project/goal, if you have one)
- where do you need help? (what is hard?)
- what is your next step?

Everyone is welcome to join! Stay for an hour, stay two, whatever you have time for.

"LIVE: To spend one’s life in a particular way. To have an exciting or fulfilling existence.
YOUR: Unique to who you are and no one else.
LEGEND: Something remarkable and noteworthy, however big or small, that somehow changes the world.

More here:
Local Group Helsinki: https://www.facebook.com/groups/586001591475247/?fref=ts


--- note I (or somebody else) will probably organize these meetups if possible at Temporary in the coming months also, but atm cannot commit to have this meetup every month at Temporary.

Give people an encouraging environment where they can discuss what's going on in their life, their projects and goals, meet and connect to new people, or just have coffee and hang out. Give opportunity to peer-coaching, sharing of ideas and getting help on what ever you happen to be building.

How often?
One time only


during summer (likely July)

Intended participants:


Nimi Ehdotuksen teki Milloin? Tuki Status
How To Listen To Music
Happens regularly
142Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
Each recurring event gets a 10% discount in Temps from the previous meeting, until it gets down to 20Ŧ, which is the minimum.
Number of meetings proposed: unknown/indefinite
    Nothing scheduled
Total: 142 of 100Ŧ

Pending pledges: 142Ŧ
Untitledbodies (23), katia (35), Glo (38), Laura3000 (30), Justin Tyler Tate (16)

Awaiting review but accepting more pledges
Enough Ŧ have been pledged to schedule 1 meeting
Will be reviewed for scheduling at next organisational meeting None currently scheduled.
No comments yet.
last pledge by Glo over 6 years ago
Communal Food Dehydrator
50Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 0 of 100Ŧ

Pending pledges: 0Ŧ
agnes_pockels (50)

Needs more support
100 more Ŧ needed before it can be scheduled
No comments yet.
last pledge by Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) over 6 years ago
Build your own hydroponics system
70Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 55 of 100Ŧ

Pending pledges: 55Ŧ
Justin Tyler Tate (15), agnes_pockels (50), Jeremias Kangas (5)

Needs more support
45 more Ŧ needed before it can be scheduled
No comments yet.
last pledge by Justin Tyler Tate over 6 years ago
Different Soundtracks

3 meetings proposed

271Ŧ total needed to schedule the complete experiment

67Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
Each recurring event gets a 10% discount in Temps from the previous meeting, until it gets down to 20Ŧ, which is the minimum.
Number of meetings proposed: 3
Total: 50 of 271Ŧ

Pending pledges: 50Ŧ
hyksos (17), agnes_pockels (30), Lauri Hyvärinen (20)

Needs more support
50 more Ŧ needed before first meeting can be scheduled
No comments yet.
last pledge by hyksos over 6 years ago
Live Your Legend Helsinki Meetup
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 87 of 100Ŧ

Pending pledges: 87Ŧ
Tuukka_S (15), hyksos (27), Laura3000 (20), firstCoffee (25), jussiholtta (13)

Needs more support
13 more Ŧ needed before it can be scheduled
No comments yet.
last pledge by jussiholtta over 6 years ago