Proposal: Live Your Legend Helsinki Meetup
100Ŧ pledged by: Tuukka_S, hyksos, Laura3000, firstCoffee, jussiholtta
This proposal will be reviewed at Temporary's next organisational meeting: None currently scheduled.
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
Live Your Legend Helsinki meetup. An on-going seris of meetups (usually it is 1 meetup per month) is a relaxed hang out, where our chat usually circles around some practical, humorous, or philosophical aspects of life, work, relationships, personal growth, etc. Share whatever is on your mind ...or just listen, if you prefer. Anyone can just join and come check it out. If you haven't been with us before, we are a sociable bunch including all kinds of people (regular people, engineers, IT people, bloggers, students of psychology, etc), and we're happy to meet new people. Everybody is welcome
Part of the meetup is the opportunity for anyone interested to do/get some peer-coaching which follows a structure of 3 questions (in case you are new to this, these questions are a common feature that's used in LYL groups around the world, to facilitate the discussion):
- what are you building? (i.e., what's your current project/goal, if you have one)
- where do you need help? (what is hard?)
- what is your next step?
Everyone is welcome to join! Stay for an hour, stay two, whatever you have time for.
"LIVE: To spend one’s life in a particular way. To have an exciting or fulfilling existence.
YOUR: Unique to who you are and no one else.
LEGEND: Something remarkable and noteworthy, however big or small, that somehow changes the world.
More here:
Local Group Helsinki:

--- note I (or somebody else) will probably organize these meetups if possible at Temporary in the coming months also, but atm cannot commit to have this meetup every month at Temporary.
Give people an encouraging environment where they can discuss what's going on in their life, their projects and goals, meet and connect to new people, or just have coffee and hang out. Give opportunity to peer-coaching, sharing of ideas and getting help on what ever you happen to be building.
during summer (likely July)