Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.
10 syys 2016 17:00 — 21:00 // Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab //
kokeilu #1.2.2: Lab Inauguration & Apéro

At this formal opening of Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab, Marc will introduce the project and explore some of the possibilities for taxidermy and preservation of the formely living stuff.

We will disuss how to modify a workspace into a "temporary" laboratory/taxidermia workshop, we'll explore and experiment with the tools and materials available and we offer some drinks and snacks to all our guests.

All people interested to collaborate and the participants registered at Pixelache's full workshop (24 September) should come to this inauguration event. During this evening, you will be introduced to a more detailed schedule of Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab so you can decide how much and in what way you may wish be involved in its activities.

Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past noin 8 vuotta. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Osallistujaa (19):
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 17:03
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 18:00
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 18:10
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 18:24
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 20:47
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 20:47
Kukaan osallistujista ei ole vielä jakanut näkökulmia koskien tätä kokeilua.

Tähän liittyvät kokeilut: menneet


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