This site remains as an archive of the activities at Temporary.
13 Sep 2016 17:00 — 21:00 // Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab //
Experiment #1.2.3: Open lab: 'Bring Your Own Rat'

As part of the ongoing Hackateria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab, each week mentor Marc Dusselier aja Dusjagr will present the current progress of the Lab's experiments at Temporary. Bring Your Own Rat is a participatory presentation showcasing the techniques and strategies determined throughout the week. If you are unable to attend the daytime sessions, please come to see what's been happening. Note: bringing your own rat is optional.

Hackteria's Empathetic Taxidermia Lab: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past about 8 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Participants (5):
No participants have shared any viewpoints on this experiment meeting. (Yet.)

Related experiments: past


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