Students from the SAMA 'Sound Art Project Course' will be building interactive works, noisy things that can be played on and with, and putting on performances during these two days.
Each day will have its own rhythm, different atmosphere, and different participants.
Anyone is welcome to join during these days. Snacks (whose sounds, when eaten, will complement the sonic atmosphere) will be provided, and though it won't be an Open Day, anyone is welcome to come snooze on a couch while basking in the sounds; play, ask questions to, and interact with objects, sounds, and us.
- provide students with a way of sharing their works with others in a comfortable and experimental setting
- create an environment during these two days that encourages playfulness, thoughtfulness, or experimentation for both kinds of participants (students and others) focussing on general sound-related concepts and topics
- have a snack and hear some noise
The Playground will be open from 11:00 - 18:00 on both days!
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past about 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
