Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.

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Ŧ:tä tarvitaan, jotta kokeilu voidaan toteuttaa: 100Ŧ (miksi?)

CVC- Collective Video CLIP

See full proposal and comments

Ok, so I have had this obsession with one video clip for ages now. It is about the world's first internet cafe in 1993-1995 that happened in Helsinki. It was a very creative project and has a fun clip about in Youtube. I got inspired by it and thought to make a video clip in the same style about Temporary as there seemed to be many parallels to the Compucafe depicted in this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUh4mA8Ntao
So then I started to make the script and try to find the protagonist and I soon realised I can not do this only on my own. Also it would be way more fun to make this clip together in the spirit of Temporary. We could have fun writing the script together and dividing the tasks among ourselves: who is the camera man, the protagonists etc. I would borrow some film equipment from my school. It should be a fun day of creative brainstorming and experimenting.


To have fun together in a collective creative atmosphere
Put our ideas to a test
Make a fun video clip

How often?
One time only


Beginning of May-mid May

Intended participants:

Everybody who finds the video clip compelling and wants to give ago and is not afraid to fail

Cardboard Furniture Design Factory

See full proposal and comments

This workshop will take place over 2 days:

Day 1) Participants will discuss needs, wants and ideas followed by making glue and laminating cardboard into sheets suitable for construction.

Day 2) Participants will finalize designs, document their processes, cut components out of the cardboard and construct their furniture.

The workshop intends to explore the possibilities of cardboard as an aesthetic, biodegradable, waste material which can be made into a structurally viable option for furniture design. Following the end of the workshop participants will be able to take home their furniture.

Participants are asked to donate 10€ to cover the cost of materials


The workshop intends to explore the possibilities of cardboard as an aesthetic, biodegradable, waste material which can be made into a structurally viable option for furniture design.

How often?
Multiple meetings (2 estimated)


Over two days, a week apart from each other, around 4 hours each.

Intended participants:

People who are interested in design and/or sustainability.

Temporary Overview Effect

See full proposal and comments

The overview effect is an experience that transforms astronauts’ perspective of the planet and mankind’s place upon it. Common features of the experience are a feeling of care for the planet, an understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibility for it.

Thus far, this unifying overview effect has been experienced by only a handful of space explorers, some 500 to date. Could we simulate that experience without getting on the spaceship?

During Temporary's overview effect experiment, we will watch overnight almost 10 hours long projection of video compilation (accompanied by space sounds) showing the Earth from a space perspective.

All participants should bring a sleeping bag, mat, pillow, and anything to be comfortable during half-watching and half-sleeping experience of the Temporary Overview Effect.

The experiment will start on 17 March 23.00 and end on 18 March 9.00 after we've eaten a common breakfast to smoothly incorporate overview effect in porridge eating.


to experience an overview effect

How often?
One time only


17.03.2017 23.00 till 18.03.2017 10.00

Intended participants:

anyone willing to spend night at Temporary watching space videos

Doomsday preppers: Trump Inauguration

See full proposal and comments

In two weeks, Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the new president of the United States of America. After a historic race that was characterized by insults and scandals, the results of the election surprised most of the world. Many people fear of what might happen in the upcoming years as Donald Trump declared climate change is a 'Chinese hoax'; flirted with the idea of nuclear war; insulted women; threatened to deport millions of people and questioned free press.
Are we living in a time of desperation and will the world 'go down' in the next 4 years or will it all be not that bad? In any case: lets presume the worst and prepare for doomsday!

If the total meltdown would happen, what would you bring? This January the 20th I want to give you the chance to preserve a value, idea, item or food you fear might be lost in the future, through sealing them in a metal can. As the can functions as a small time capsule you can re-open them in times of need. For instance, you could preserve your favorite food; store a happy memory or seal of an art piece. Whether the thing you wish to store is practical, ideological or symbolic does not matter: what is more important is that, through canning your favorite stuff, you will have a means of future comfort in the form of a personal story.

During the workshop I will provide the participants with the canning equipment as well as the cans itself. Also I will have some snacks and drinks, but please bring some as well if you fear getting hungry. (you can can it in the process, haha)


I wish to give people a chance to express their values in the form of an symbolic rite on a symbolic day. Through seeking the tension between the concrete practicalities of canning technology and the abstraction of value expression I want to deal with the issue what is most worth preserving: the food or the morals?

How often?
One time only


18:00 till about 21:00

Intended participants:


Useless things

See full proposal and comments

For this experiment everyone can take along a useless object(s) which we, with the help and ideas of others too, try to collectively repurpose to give them a new function or possibly make them even more useless...


-look around eyes open to see how and what is surrounding us and if it actually has a use - bringing awareness to everyday life
-finding creative solutions with the help of others
-transfer useless things into something new

How often?
One time only


2 h, some time in October in the evening time - Wednesday?

Intended participants:

everyone is welcome, even if you can not find anything useless yourself...

Proposal-generating pseudo-pyramidscheme vegetarian potluck

See full proposal and comments

Temporary seems to be going well so far, but we could use some more proposals.

At the 'Proposal-generating pseudo-pyramidscheme vegetarian potluck', everyone will come with a vegetarian or vegan food item to share, and any beverages one wishes to consume. Participants will also bring at least THREE (3) ideas for potential experiments at Temporary. These don't have to be finished ideas, or even good ones, but we can toss them out and riff on them, and make a list on paper.

We will especially encourage each other to modify or 'remix' each other's proposals, kinda like "Well that sounds great but what if we also do it while blindfolded/underwater/drunk?", with the goal of constructing a tree-shaped map of possible experimental interactions.

These will then be massaged into proposals that will actually be submitted to Temporary via the proposal form.

If all goes well, this could take place monthly, or bi-monthly, or whenever we need some new ideas.


To stimulate thinking about unusual cultural interactions.

To generate more potential activities for Temporary.

To enhance the trans-disciplinary nature of Temporary's activities and audience.

How often?
Recurring regularly (3 estimated)


one evening, just a few hours

Intended participants:


Tinder Lounge

See full proposal and comments

When Tinder entered popular culture, there was much ballyhoo in the media about it -- the famous Vanity Fair ‘dating apocalypse’ article being the most hysterical and widely-circulated — but after a few years it’s just become another fact of modern life. I’ve stood on the Helsinki metro overlooking multiple seated passengers all using Tinder at the same time, swiping their hearts out. It’s no longer a faux pas to admit to meeting someone this way.

Temporary is a platform for experimental interactions, and it strikes me that Tinder is also this, though I doubt it is used much in this way. And also like Temporary, Tinder is also where the social and the technical meet. We have a tool that can introduce us to hundreds of potential strangers, all of whom are theoretically ‘open’ on some level, who would never otherwise know about what we do at Temporary.

If you would like to participate in Tinder Lounge, install Tinder and find between 3 and 5 matches who are willing to come along to the experiment with you. During Tinder Lounge we will interact in structured and semi-structured ways through a series of exercises and games, with results to be collected from all participants (ideally 20-30 people) through a series of surveys and other feedback forms. There will also be ample time to ‘hang out’, since it’s a lounge, after all.

If this experiment receives enough pledges to be scheduled: Please do not be deceitful or manipulative to any poor strangers who you match with on Tinder. Please send them a link to the experiment webpage and make sure they know what they are getting into. Tinder Lounge is not intended to be a group date, swingers club or anything romantic in nature, though we will safely explore the complicated concepts of ‘intimacy’ and ‘openness’. You need not be single to participate in Tinder Lounge, though again we insist that you are up-front about this to whichever Tinder matches you might invite.


I have been wondering: what is the quantitative impact of our cultural creations? As much energy as we may put into making art installations, short films, sound recordings, paintings, etc., we usually only reach a small number of already-in-the-loop, culture-consuming people - or just our friends. At best we might experience an incursion into popular culture forms, or perhaps some international recognition or commercial success. Call me cynical (and many do), but I see our regular cultural products as existing in a ‘safe’ space, a space carved out to accommodate a predetermined spectrum of expression. Our lifestyles continue as before, whether we see such-and-such exhibition or not, mediated by our consumer choices and other pressures.

So what actually has changed the way we live, on a mass scale? Social media technology, of course. This is hardly an original or deep observation, but I wonder how we might utilise these technologies to challenge our own daily realities instead of just being passive victims of their marketing research and data-mining.

Also: what happens when a tool like Tinder, which admittedly is very minimal and hands-off in how you behave, is 'mis-used' in ways that its creators did not intend?

And finally, there is the basic experiment of what happens when you put 30 strangers in a room for an evening and ask them to indulge in various games and interactions.

How often?
One time only


A summer night (late June or July), because everyone is more 'open' in the summer

Intended participants:

Anyone who is curious about interacting with strangers who you match with due to superficial reasons


See full proposal and comments

I want to create a whole new language together with you, this language we create may have influences of already existing words from languages from different parts of the world. The most interesting is to arrive at a common agreement on words and to build from there. By the end of the experiment I would like to arrive at at least 100 words vocabulary.


* Through creating a new language we try to understand how our brains comprehend verbal or word-based information.
* To enjoy our own sense of association to words and what else they could mean.
* To understand the priority of our Vocabulary, what words we learn, create first.
* To actually learn this language and to practice it with the peers from the workshop.
* To maybe take this new language and words we create into the other commonly spoken languages, and to see how fast or slow these words conquer.

How often?
One time only


7th of July

Intended participants:

All the wordsmiths, language enthusiasts, innovators, language teachers.

Discussion: SOLU

See full proposal and comments

The Bioartsociety invites everybody to come and discuss the plans for SOLU - a platform and artistic laboratory for art, science and society. Since its launch in 2008 the Bioartsociety has continuously worked to develop artistic practices at the intersection of art and natural sciences with a strong environmental research angle. The current size and infrastructure of the Bioartsociety is too small to answer to the increasing interests and opportunities in the field of art&science. To develop the current potential of the field the Bioartsociety aims to establish SOLU.
SOLU is a catalyst and incubator for the development of interdisciplinary art practices. SOLU encourages work on the intersection of art, science and society to leave its comfort zones, to push the boundaries and cross borders to become what we can’t possibly know. SOLU seeks the frontiers of art and extends the practices of artists engaging with scientific processes, facilities and technologies in order to participate in and reveal and illuminate the social, political and cultural contexts that brought them into being. SOLU offers opportunities and visibility to the work of professionals, it allows to make better use of already established program of the Bioartsociety, it allows the development of new formats and initiatives, and it enables the involvement of local, Nordic/Baltic and international partners for collaborations and exchanges.


* To introduce the SOLU project
* To get the community (individuals and partner organisations) involved in the development of SOLU
* To get feedback from the community about
- what SOLU should become
- what SOLU should offer in terms of infrastructure, programs and opportunities
- how to be involved

How often?
One time only


7.6.2017 17-20h

Intended participants:

artists, scientists, practitioners and others (robots, mushrooms, protocells etc.), as well as organisations interested in art&science

Research Gathering, Aalto, Department of Art

See full proposal and comments

Research Gathering of Doctoral Students from the Department of Art, Aalto University.
It is a second meeting of the Research Gathering series, which this time will be held in Temporary.
During the Research Gathering Taneli Luotoniemi will be presenting his research on "The interlacing of the artistic and the mathematical in constructive knot ornamentation".


- to share and discuss ongoing work (questions/doubts/challenges) amongst friends/peers and special invitees who can give comments,
- to exchange experiences/knowings in our field (conferences; possible collaborators; calls etc...).

How often?
One time only


7th of August 2017 from 5 PM till 7 PM

Intended participants:

Around 15 doctoral students from the Art Department of Aalto University

Nimi Ehdotuksen teki Milloin? Tuki Status
CVC- Collective Video CLIP


Last meeting:

CVC - Collective Video Clip
26 May 2017 16:00 — 20:00
6 participants
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 100 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 55Ŧ
Justin Tyler Tate (5), agnes_pockels (50)

No comments yet.
last pledge by Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) almost 7 years ago
Cardboard Furniture Design Factory

2 meetings proposed

190Ŧ total needed to schedule the complete experiment

Experiment completed


Last meeting:

Cardboard Furniture Design Factory #2
15 Apr 2017 13:00 — 18:00
6 participants
190Ŧ out of 190
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
Each recurring event gets a 10% discount in Temps from the previous meeting, until it gets down to 20Ŧ, which is the minimum.
Number of meetings proposed: 2
Total: 190 of 190Ŧ

Pledges spent: 160Ŧ
Justin Tyler Tate (43), agnes_pockels (60), Guttula (5), Josh Widera (30), andreuchis (7), mariana.salgado (5), karthikeya (10)

Needs more Ŧ to continue

All required Ŧ have been pledged and/or spent.

No comments yet.
last pledge by Karthikeya (karthikeya) almost 7 years ago
Temporary Overview Effect


Last meeting:

Temporary Overview Effect
17 — 18 Mar 2017
9 participants
82Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 82 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 70Ŧ
agnes_pockels (22), agryfp (40), Justin Tyler Tate (8)

No comments yet.
last pledge by Justin Tyler Tate about 7 years ago
Doomsday preppers: Trump Inauguration


Last meeting:

Doomsday preppers: Trump inauguration
20 Jan 2017 17:00 — ???
7 participants
70Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 70 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 63Ŧ
agnes_pockels (50), mactwyver (13)

No comments yet.
last pledge by mactwyver over 7 years ago
Useless things


Last meeting:

Useless things
12 Nov 2016 14:00 — 16:00
13 participants
71Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 71 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 70Ŧ
Jussi-Pekka Nelson (10), hyksos (16), Kata_Meister (10), sampumon (9), agnes_pockels (10), Justin Tyler Tate (15)

No comments yet.
last pledge by Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister) over 7 years ago
Proposal-generating pseudo-pyramidscheme vegetarian potluck
Happens regularly

3 meetings proposed

271Ŧ total needed to schedule the complete experiment

Experiment completed


Last meeting:

Proposal-generating potluck #1
11 Oct 2016 14:30 — 22:00
7 participants
133Ŧ out of 271
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
Each recurring event gets a 10% discount in Temps from the previous meeting, until it gets down to 20Ŧ, which is the minimum.
Number of meetings proposed: 3
Total: 133 of 271Ŧ

Pledges spent: 70Ŧ
Dusjagr (1), Kata_Meister (20), agryfp (20), aahonen (10), agnes_pockels (19)

Needs more Ŧ to continue
27 more Ŧ needed to schedule next meeting (#2)
No comments yet.
last pledge by Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) over 7 years ago
Tinder Lounge
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 100 of 100Ŧ

Needs more support
100 more Ŧ needed before it can be scheduled
No comments yet.
last pledge by Justin Tyler Tate almost 7 years ago


Last meeting:

7 Jul 2017 18:00 — 20:00
0 participants
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 100 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 100Ŧ
Dusjagr (30), agnes_pockels (10), Jussi-Pekka Nelson (10), agryfp (10), mactwyver (20), Justin Tyler Tate (5), jonald dunn (15)

No comments yet.
last pledge by Justin Tyler Tate almost 7 years ago
Discussion: SOLU


Last meeting:

Discussion - SOLU
7 Jun 2017 17:00 — 21:00
13 participants
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 100 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 100Ŧ
Erich Berger (50), Piritta Puhto (10), hyksos (40)

No comments yet.
last pledge by hyksos almost 7 years ago
Research Gathering, Aalto, Department of Art


Last meeting:

Research Gathering, Aalto, Department of Art
7 Aug 2017 17:00 — 19:00
100Ŧ out of 100
NOTE: The cost of experiments rose from 70 to 100Ŧ on 15 March 2017.
100Ŧ must be pledged before this proposal can be reviewed and scheduled.
Total: 100 of 100Ŧ

Pledges spent: 100Ŧ
agnes_pockels (35), violetpiascik (65)

No comments yet.
last pledge by Wioletta Anna Piascik (violetpiascik) almost 7 years ago