Proposal: Proposal-generating pseudo-pyramidscheme vegetarian potluck
70Ŧ pledged by: Dusjagr, Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister), Andrew Gryf Paterson (agryfp), aahonen, Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels)
1 meeting took place:
Proposal-generating potluck #1
already happened:
11 Oct 2016 14:30 — 22:00
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
Temporary seems to be going well so far, but we could use some more proposals.
At the 'Proposal-generating pseudo-pyramidscheme vegetarian potluck', everyone will come with a vegetarian or vegan food item to share, and any beverages one wishes to consume. Participants will also bring at least THREE (3) ideas for potential experiments at Temporary. These don't have to be finished ideas, or even good ones, but we can toss them out and riff on them, and make a list on paper.
We will especially encourage each other to modify or 'remix' each other's proposals, kinda like "Well that sounds great but what if we also do it while blindfolded/underwater/drunk?", with the goal of constructing a tree-shaped map of possible experimental interactions.
These will then be massaged into proposals that will actually be submitted to Temporary via the proposal form.
If all goes well, this could take place monthly, or bi-monthly, or whenever we need some new ideas.
To stimulate thinking about unusual cultural interactions.
To generate more potential activities for Temporary.
To enhance the trans-disciplinary nature of Temporary's activities and audience.
one evening, just a few hours
3 meetings proposed
vegetarian food and good ideas count