A semi-organized discussion around the interfaces of our dreams. What do we want to interact with? What would be the most natural way to do it? Is there an existing, but insufficient method already available?
The way we interface with technology is limited by technical implementations and not all methods of interaction have ended up being as natural as their conceiver imagined them. Technical limitations restrict creativity, and inhibit us from creating more imaginative interfaces. Overcoming the limitations set upon us by engineers, designers, and hardware is important to get in touch with what we really want as people and users.
The goal of this experiment is to inderstand what we want to interact with, and how we would preferably do it. Preconceptions about interface devices, materials, and technologies linger over us and might make us jump to simple solutions too easily. We don't need "good enough", or "as good as current technology can do", but what we need is the interface of our dreams.
The workshop might have some organized structure to it and will last until our minds have melted. Any suggested widening or narrowing of the subject is welcome.
We will probably not build anything, this is not intended as a hardware event.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past almost 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
