Proposal: Democracy: What happened?
214Ŧ pledged by: Justin Tyler Tate, hyksos, Egle Oddo, Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister), Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels)
3 meetings took place:
Democracy: what happened? voting session
already happened:
1 Nov 2016 19:00 — 21:00
Democracy: what happened?
already happened:
8 Nov 2016 21:00 — ???
Democracy: wot 'appened?
already happened:
8 Jun 2017 21:20 — ???
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
Democracy: What happened? is an experiment to dissect the corpse of the democratic process on the night of the 2016 US presidential election, aka the western world's ultimate clusterfuck of a flawed political process/reality show.
In addition to watching the election results roll in, throughout the evening various subprogrammes will take place that will examine the current state of democracy and play with the theme and format using those who choose to attend as subjects. We look to Temporary's community to propose workshops, talks, performances or other sub-experiments that will start around (or before) midnight and run until around 3:00 AM, when the first results will start to be announced.
This is not just a chance to rant and rave, but hopefully some sort of way we can collectively, therapeutically work through the crisis undergoing liberal capitalism today, so let's consider anything to be fair game: Brexit, Finnish politics, Eurovision, or the fake-democratic system of proposals/pledges at Temporary.
Please use this proposal page to propose your own ideas as comments (below!).
One week before (1 November), we will democratically "vote" to choose the programme. On election night (8 November) we'll actually do it. In addition to whatever activities take place, we will also try to collectively prepare food and drink so we can all get through this together. And bring pillows, it's gonna be a late night.

* To rapidly, collectively programme an evening of interactions around a theme
* To examine and critique systems of power
* To genuinely seek a better understanding of politics and our own agency as creative, independent people
* To support each other through what might be a painful evening
* To think about what might come next
8 November from 22:00 - 05:00; also 1 November: voting session held during Temporary's regular Tuesday night
anyone! Content will have an American focus given the evening and who proposed this, unless you can suggest some better ideas!
I propose a 3am karaoke hour where only songs which are relavent to the election are allowed to be sung...For example I would sing REM's 'It's the end of the world as we know it'.
I want to cry together all night. Even without any alcool involved. And I want to play Don Hertzfeldt cartoons in the background:
I propose a poetry night where people can take the most popular songs from US top 100 list and read them out aloud, so st like a poetry night...when others dislike the poem they can get involved and start reading out another one aloud
I'll bring with me a big map of the world. It will be a usual map however representing the globe upside down. Based on that we will tell the stories of domination, politics and economy of the countries pictured there. Lets see how our Americentric/Europocentric ways will survive that.
Proposal: Democratic Confessions
I propose we explore the culinary traditions of the USA.
Justin Tyler Tate, could you expand on that maybe a bit ..!?!?±!
I propose to give new hairstyles to ready ourselves for incoming regimes.
Proposal from
christina.stadlbauer (who didn't bring her computer):
OK ballots are ready....
Holy shit, the UK is having an election on Thursday. The fate of that country lies in the hands of the same people who voted for Brexit. AAAAAAUGH!
Therefore I reactivate this proposal to hold a special last-minute session of DEMOCRACY: WHAT HAPPENED?