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27 marras 2016 12:30 — 17:00 // kokeilu //
kokeilu #1.10.1: Microphone building club meeting #1
Liittyy ehdotukseen: Microphone building club with 70Ŧ

A semi-regular (hopefully) group that will gather to experiment with building microphones. 


  • To create inexpensive and unusual microphones to be used for sound experimentation (music, field recordings, etc).

  • To learn how to make microphones.

  • Maybe if we make some really amazing ones we could try to sell them and get rich.

Open to anyone!

Microphone building club: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past yli 7 vuotta. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Osallistujaa (5):
Kukaan osallistujista ei ole vielä jakanut näkökulmia koskien tätä kokeilua.


This experiment has 1 kommentti.
hyksos sanoo....
23. marraskuuta 2016 12.03

Hi everyone! Great news, the stuff I ordered arrived so we can meet on Sunday as planned.

My plan was to attempt to build a basic condenser microphone, using some plans found online. I ordered enough parts for 10, except 7 condenser capsules are normal and 3 different ones I ordered are really, really tiny, like we're talking spy microphone tiny. I got some various XLR connectors and the necessary capacitors too. I think.

This will be a condenser mic that gets power from a 9v battery, not phantom power (that will be an advanced topic for a future meeting). If you have some 9v batteries, bring them. And most important -- bring something to build your microphone into, a case or housing. I'm going to use some empty coconut shells from the last Fake it Till You Make it workshop. So please bring something fun and weird that you want to make into a microphone shell.

If everyone could kick me around 10-12€ for materials that would be great too!

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