UPDATE! Because the inner courtyard will be closed for construction the day of this event, we will meet at Tokoinranta instead of at Kuusi Palaa
We will be somewhere between the statue and Cafe Piritta. I will put a sign on the gate to inform latecomers. Bring a picnic blanket if you have one!
Free food and drink!
The future of the Kuusi Palaa project will be open for debate and dialogue at this event. It is my belief that, in response to the development of technologically mediated social relations, the Kuusi Palaa project has sought to address the value of face to face interactions that generate a different kind of social relation. Through the creation of events, encounters can result in interpersonal relations. This platform is another sort of technological mediation that aims to bring individuals together in such encounters in a way that encourages novelty and intimacy over repetition and a narcissistic conservatism. However, the value of interpersonal relations can be extended beyond the face to face encounter. This valuation is a process rather than an established system, and as such it requires participation to continue its existence. There is no value in this system without participation, without the production and sustainment of human relations. This event will continue the discussion of this process of valuation, questioning how it might be broadened through new expressions.
Budgetary proposals for season 2 will be appraised and fundraising for season 2 stakes will also be discussed.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 6 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
I will be late but I shall be there.