16 Aug 2017 18:00 — 20:30
Experiment #1.64.1:
Kielteisten tunteiden käsittely - miniworkshop & keskustelu
Scheduled from proposal:
Kielteisten tunteiden käsittely - miniworkshop & keskustelu

Shortly in English: this is a mini-workshop and discussion in Finnish about how to better deal with and relate to negative emotions in our lives. Everybody is welcome! Event is in Finnish because it is based on a Finnish-speaking community called Kehitystö. If weather is good, event will be outside at Tokoinranta - otherwise it will be inside at Temporary.
For information about this experiment in Finnish, change the language of the website into Finnish.
current experiment status
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 6 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Anonymous person who arrived at 18:08

Anonymous person who arrived at 18:09

Anonymous person who arrived at 18:10

Anonymous person who arrived at 18:10