Experience Heartfulness Meditation in this 1 hour introductory workshop(suomea teksti alhaalla)
Meditation reflects your consciousness. Through meditation, you get the opportunity to look deep into yourself.
Whether you are looking for a way to relax, find a personal spiritual practice, or reach the highest levels of human potentiality through yogic transmission; we invite you to have a practical experience and benefit from Heartfulness Meditation. There is no fee for learning or the practice. For more information go to - www.heartfulness.org and "heartfulness finland" in facebook.
You don’t need faith or knowledge to experience! Simply do it and feel!
Beyond this Heartfulness Meditation Workshop, it is always possible to start the Heartfulness Meditation practice: just call for an appointment(050-5340783); or come to the Heartfulness Café taking place every Saturday at 3:00 pm at the Heartfulness Meditation Center, Pietarinkatu 9, Helsinki; or to the group meditations at the same place on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and Sundays at 9:00 am(come 20 min before in order to get a quick orientation).
Heartfulness-meditaatio – tutustu siihen tunnin kestävässä workshopissa.
Meditaatio kuvastaa tietoisuuttasi. Saat tilaisuuden katsoa syvälle itseesi.
Voit ehkä kaivata rentoutumiskeinoa, etsiä omaa henkisyyden harjoittamisen tapaasi tai tavoitella ihmisen potentiaalin korkeimpia tasoja joogisen transmission avulla – kutsumme sinua saamaan kokemus Heartfulness-meditaatiosta. Sen opettamisesta tai harjoittamisesta ei peritä maksua. Lisätietoa: www.heartfulness.org ja facebookissa "heartfulnessfinland".
Oma kokemus ei tarvitse usko tai tietoa! Yksinkertaisesti, kokeile itse!
Tämän Heartfulness-meditaation workshopin ulkopuolella voit aina aloittaa soittamalla 505-5340783 ja sopimalla tapaamisesta ohjaajan kanssa. Tai voit tulla joka lauantain Heartfulness-cafen tutustumistilaisuuteen klo 15.00 tai ryhmämeditaatioihin keskiviikkoisin klo 18.00 ja sunnuntaisin klo 9.00 keskuksessamme Pietarinkatu 9, Helsinki (tulethan näihin istuntoihin jo n 20 aikaisemmin niin saat asiasta lyhyen esittelyn).
- for participants to experience heartfulness meditation and benefit through an improved quality of life, stress relief, better quality of sleep, stimulation of the immune system, and greater concentration. the workshop will also improve the general atmosphere at the temporary space. It will bring in a meditative state
- within us that will manifest our heart’s intrinsic goodness.
- This expression of goodness will make peace dynamic and life-affirming,
- and in its wake, brings unity and harmony to this world.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past almost 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.