Proposal: Stories of...
171Ŧ pledged by: Gisela Montonen, Cindy Sukapää, lauralindstrom6, Martina Fonselius, Rosanna Halttunen,, Johanna Karlberg
3 meetings took place:
Stories Of... Pitches & Ownership
already happened:
16 Feb 2017 16:00 — 20:00
Stories Of... #1
already happened:
9 May 2017 15:00 — 21:00
Stories Of... #2
already happened:
11 May 2017 15:00 — 21:00
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
First year cultural management students from Arcada organising events for an event production course.
Our theme is "stories of" which means all of our programme/events will include some kind of stories. Our main target audience is students that participate in a competition called "omtänk" but we also plan our events for and welcome anyone else to participate in the events we create.
Our 3 days at Temporary will have a kind of after-work theme, we want to create a nice and relaxed atmosphere where people can hang out and get to know each other. We will have different kinds of games available and there will also be music to enjoy throughout the event. We will also have some specific and organised programmes that anyone and everyone can participate in.
The main idea is for people to come together, network and share their stories.
We want to bring people together and create a nice atmosphere for people to hang out and share their stories as well as hear other stories we have to share.
9.5 & 11.5
Anyone who wants to join + the participants of "omtänk"
Hi -
Trashlab is happening on 10 May. That's a tough one to overlap with since it tends to take over the whole room and is usually full of people with lots of tools and other things. Do you want to pick new dates or just schedule Stories... for the 9th and 11th?
Hi - it looks like you edited the proposal so you only wish this to be two days, without anything on the 10th (so
Trashlab can take place) -- is this correct?
@hyksos yes we only need the space for the 9th and the 11th!
Got it, will get it on the website today - but for now, you can consider it SCHEDULED!
Hey, what times do you want this to be, and how many Temps should people receive for participating?