Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.

Ehdotus: Dumpsterdive Canning Workshop

Ehdottanut mactwyver

2 tapaaminenta tapahtui:
Dumpsterdive Canning Workshop
Tapahtui aiemmin: 26 marras 2016 11:00 — 16:00

Doomsday preppers: Trump inauguration
Tapahtui aiemmin: 20 tammi 2017 17:00 — ???

Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.


Hello everybody,

My name is Will van Twuijver and I would like to host a workshop some time in November in which I want to get a group of people together to start up a small manufacturing process. The idea is to set up a 'low-tech canning factory' that will process leftover food from different sources and put it in metal cans.
The workshop will contain: scavenging food, developing recipes, processing, canning and designing labels.
Hopefully enough people are interesting in participating!



The goals of this experiment to preserve food over a longer time that would have otherwise had gone to waste, channel streams of waste and use them to our advantage, to set up a low tech manufacturing process ad get some people together to have a fun day cooking some crazy recipes.


whole day workshop

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Tällä ehdotuksella on kommenttia.
Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister) antoi tukea tälle ehdotukselle!
19. lokakuuta 2016 21.47
Kata_Meister on tukenut 10Ŧ tähän ehdotukseen.

Pledge spent at 2016-10-25 14:21:21 +0000

sounds good!

Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) antoi tukea tälle ehdotukselle!
20. lokakuuta 2016 02.02
agnes_pockels on tukenut 30Ŧ tähän ehdotukseen.

Pledge spent at 2016-10-25 14:21:23 +0000

Another way of saving waste food. Great!

hyksos antoi tukea tälle ehdotukselle!
20. lokakuuta 2016 11.34
hyksos on tukenut 30Ŧ tähän ehdotukseen.

Pledge spent at 2016-10-25 14:21:25 +0000

Yeah, super into it!

This proposal is now archived and can no longer be edited or commented on.
This proposal became the experiment Dumpsterdive Canning Workshop, and further information and activity can be found there.