Worldwide March to Close All Slaughterhouses

The helsinki version of the world-wide march to close all slaughterhouses is on saturday june 10th. See helsinki march to close all slaughterhouses in facebook and www.mctas.org for the world-wide march site. We will do a presentation and q&a on the theme, then brainstorm on actions, banners, shirts, buttons, speeches, paroles, etc., and then rehearse and create. Everyone is welcome.
Goals: ultimately to close all slaughterhouses. and actually to inform people about the injustice and horror of slaughter and organize public cultural expressions against it and for kindness and compassion toward all earthlings.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past about 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
2 meetings scheduled. 1 person have checked in (1 distinct person), and 0 guest tickets.
Original proposal: preparation & rehearsal workshop for the world-wide march to close all slaughterhouses / jonald dunn