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11 Sep 2016 16:00 — 18:30 // Fake it Till You Make it //
Experiment #1.3.1: Fake it Till You Make it
Scheduled from proposal: Fake it Till You Make it (FiTYMi) with 70Ŧ
Supported by: hyksos (50), Dusjagr (10), Päivi Raivio (10)

Fake It Till You Make It is a series of workshops for those curious individuals looking to broaden their experience and skill-set. Each session of FITYMI will be on a different subject which could fall under areas of expertise such as construction, making, baking, electronics, mechanics, cooking, jewelry, physics, plants, and whatever else can be imagined. It is the purpose of the workshop to learn new things for the sake of learning and it is for this reason that participants will only discover the subject of each session upon arriving to the workshop. During the class there will be a short talk about the subject and how to accomplish the objective of the FITYMI session followed by participants choosing how to proceed (experimenting with materials, accomplishing a project, discussion and/or playing) with food available at some point during the workshop.

Fake it Till You Make it: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Participants (16):
Anonymous person who arrived at 16:06
Anonymous person who arrived at 17:03
Anonymous person who arrived at 17:03
Anonymous person who arrived at 18:10
Anonymous person who arrived at 18:10
No participants have shared any viewpoints on this experiment meeting. (Yet.)

Related experiments: past


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