31 Mar 2018 14:05 — 17:00
Experiment #1:
Constructing greenhouses and seed exchange

My idea was to build lovely looking green houses that would make the Kuusi Palaa space look nicer and also provide herbs and food. Also if people just wanted to build something for their own home use. To share ideas how a greenhouse should work or could look like and what can be grown/ sharing the seeds and ideas.
Constructing greenhouses:
current experiment status
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 6 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
sounds great! where will these greenhouses go? the roof would be a good place if it doesn't get us into too much trouble. let me know if i can help with preparations or anything. thanks for doing this:-).
If you have some vermicompost, maybe you could bring it along :)