This week, Luca Aci presents: Activist, social dreams and hello kitty (or more precisely how are we all turning all into activists):
Are we about to enter a sort of civic renaissance, urbanism 2.0 or a constant state of protest? More and more we see people taking over the streets and manifest for human rights, citizens meeting in the neighbourhoods and kickstarting local initiatives, activists gathering masses on facebook pages. In these recent years Helsinki has offered a wide range of activist movements, from restaurant day to Tahdon. Is this raise of activism a reaction to particular times or signing a more radical shift? Is activism the new civics (and hello kitty is the saviour)?
Plus: food, drink, games, songs, magic tricks, swordfighting, bungee jumping, pirate radio hacking, DIY counterintelligence operations, and salmon farming. Or at least the first two of that list.
Works in Progress is a weekly Tuesday gathering that will be explicitly social in nature, meaning we close our laptops and share some food and drink. Each week (unless there is an already-scheduled Tuesday experiment), we'll try to find one person to tell us about something they are working on. It doesn't have to be overly structured or 'curated' but just casual.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 6 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.