This workshop and discussion based event aims to mix practical hands on work to develop social rapport, fermentation and meditative reflections within the newly formed Nordic DIYBio network, and give opportunity to connect with current and topical debates in the European Bio-Commons scenes.
This event is organised by Bioart Society, and will be the first gathering of the new Nordic DIYBio network, supported by Nordisk Kulturkontakt, to gather participants on the subject of bioarts, kitchen style biological and food hacking. It will take place ideally as a satellite event for Art in the Environment Nordic Symposium (http://www.nordicenviroart.org/). Although initiated as a network event, the aim is to connect to Helsinki-based persons interested in the above subject, and share latest thoughts on the European Bio-commons scene.
For: DIYBio network participants, locals interested in bioarts, kitchen hacker practices, bio-commons issues.
Proposed schedule:
** Evening 29.8: Introductions **
18.00-20.00 : Evening introductions
Introductions between DIYBio Network participants & others present. Update on the bio-commons, politics & ethics debate. Social catch-up, chop and salt cabbage to ferment overnight.
** Day 30.8.: Practice-led discussions **
10.00-12.00: Making Kimchi
Exercise for 1hr making organic kimchi, the fermented vegetable preserve, a mix of cabbage with other vegetables (e.g. carrot, radish), chilli, sugar, salt, garlic and ginger, portioned according to taste. Note it will not be ready to eat for 4-5 days, so participants will take it away. Potential discussion re: knowledge & cultural commons (growing and fermentation traditions), raw or fermented food industry, fairtrade or ecological practices, agricultural commons in developing world context, transcultural & transnational exchange
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-14.30: Making Felt-balls
Exercise for 45mins making hand-rolled/massaged felt balls or liquid soaks, using raw felt-wool, organic soaps, ideally saponins from locally-foraged horse-chestnuts. Potential discussion re: biophysical energy commons, animal products, saponins
14.30-15.00: Break
15.00-17.00: Making arrangements with Copper
Exercise for 30mins arranging pre-made kimchi on copper items, e.g. copper-tape, other copper-made containers or items, as an installation (this could be shown later in ‘Art in Environment’ Nordic symposium/exhibition). Potential discussion re: about metallic commons, and copper-based chemical compounds.
** Day 31.8.: Practice-led discussions **
10.00-12.00: Making Copper-Oxide or Cupric Lactate inks
Exercise for 1hr making a liquid form out of previously-made-earlier Copper-Kimchi substance that is dried. Over time the kimchi lactic-oxidizes the copper, producing a Copper-Oxide or Cupric Lactate substance, variously blue-green-black in colour (process takes several weeks). Dissolving and blending matter into a liquid form, straining with gauze the liquid to produce ink that can be used to paint or draw with. Potential discussion re: knowledge & cultural commons (natural and synthetic dyeing traditions), Processed food industry, fair-trade or ecological practices, compound minerals, biochemical commons in developing world context, transcultural & transmaterial exchange
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-16.00: Making portrait drawings of each other
Exercise for 1.5hrs making portraits of each other and/or lactobacillus (depending on bacterial visualization technologies available) using ink, quills and brushes. Potential discussion re: Wrap-up discussion related to Bio-commons, and next actions in the DIYBio network.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past over 6 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
This experiment already took place.
