Proposal: FuLfilling nEeds viA MAnaging quiRKy objEcTs (FLEA MARKET)
100Ŧ pledged by: Ava Grayson, Gemma
Recurring experiment. Meetings:
FuLfilling nEeds viA MAnaging quiRKy objEcTs (FLEA MARKET)
already happened:
18 Jun 2017 13:00 — 18:00
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
That's right, it's a good old flea market.
This is a chance for the members of Temporary to practice a bit of charity, a bit of zen, and have a fun time doing it.
In a similar way to the Temporary Services events, FLEA MARKET is a way for Temporary members to turn extraneous objects into a means of Temporary being a bit closer to sustaining itself financially.
As always, I will make sure that there are snacks, tea, and coffee. Participants please bring whatever books, clothes, knick-knacks, or handmade items you are willing to part with for the sake of the Temporary community.
Don't forget to advertise in your own networks and invite friends to come browse!
-for participants to enjoy purging extraneous household items for the sake of charity
-for people currently outside the Temporary community to be invited and see what we're all up to
-for the Temporary community to enjoy some pleasant buying/selling/haggling
-to see what weird shit we might all be keeping in our homes
Every second Sunday of the month (starting June 11th)
1 meetings proposed
Anyone who has some extra stuff around the house and likes giving back
We were talking about having a bizarre kirpputori event at some point. Possibly asking a band or two to play as well. Could we maybe play around with the concept a bit?
hyksos: yeah, totally!