Voicing body parts

Voicing Body Parts is a workshop of vocal improvisation, where we are going to search for (and make reasearch of) different body parts, like eyes, ears, armpits, knees etc. This happens vocally.
The workshop is facilitated by Juha Valkeapää (web, Temporary) who will be using this workshop as research for his forthcoming sound sculpure, 'Electric Guy'. The workshop will meet five times in November and December 2016.
Voicing Body Parts is open to all who are interested in using their voices not only for talking.
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past about 8 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
5 meetings scheduled. 11 people have checked in (5 distinct people), and 0 guest tickets.
Original proposal: Voicing body parts / Juha Valkeapää