This site remains as an archive of the activities at Temporary.

Proposal: Fake it Till You Make it (FiTYMi)

Proposed by Justin Tyler Tate

Recurring experiment. Meetings:

Fake it Till You Make it
already happened: 11 Sep 2016 16:00 — 18:30

Fake it Till You Make it November 2016
already happened: 5 Nov 2016 16:00 — 19:00

Fake it Till You Make it December 2016
already happened: 6 Dec 2016 17:00 — 20:00

Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.


Fake It Till You Make It is a series of workshops for those curious individuals looking to broaden their experience and skill-set. Each session of FITYMI will be on a different subject which could fall under areas of expertise such as construction, making, baking, electronics, mechanics, cooking, jewelry, physics, plants, and whatever else can be imagined. It is the purpose of the workshop to learn new things for the sake of learning and it is for this reason that participants will only discover the subject of each session upon arriving to the workshop. During the class there will be a short talk about the subject and how to accomplish the objective of the FITYMI session followed by participants choosing how to proceed (experimenting with materials, accomplishing a project, discussion and/or playing) with food available at some point during the workshop.


It is the purpose of the experiment to learn new things for the sake of learning.


Next one occurring on the 6th of NovemberDecember, 17:00-20:00.

How often will this happend?:
Happens regularly
Intended participants:

Curious people


This experiment proposal has comments.
hyksos pledged in support of this proposal!
September 03, 2016 01:41
hyksos has pledged 50Ŧ to this proposal.

Would be thrilled to see this happening here!

Dusjagr pledged in support of this proposal!
September 04, 2016 14:56
Dusjagr has pledged 10Ŧ to this proposal.


Päivi Raivio pledged in support of this proposal!
September 06, 2016 11:29
Päivi Raivio has pledged 10Ŧ to this proposal.

hyksos says....
September 07, 2016 21:55

This should be great!

Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels) pledged in support of this proposal!
October 02, 2016 13:35
agnes_pockels has pledged 10Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2016-11-02 09:38:13 +0000

I've been on the last FITYMI and it was great!

Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister) pledged in support of this proposal!
October 07, 2016 13:34
Kata_Meister has pledged 5Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2016-11-02 09:38:14 +0000

Justin Tyler Tate pledged in support of this proposal!
October 27, 2016 11:12
Justin Tyler Tate has pledged 48Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2016-11-02 09:38:16 +0000

FITYMI Forever!

JakubBobrowski pledged in support of this proposal!
October 28, 2016 10:49
JakubBobrowski has pledged 10Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2016-11-10 08:30:18 +0000

Justin Tyler Tate pledged in support of this proposal!
November 02, 2016 11:38
Justin Tyler Tate has pledged 7Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2016-11-10 08:30:19 +0000

The next FITYMI on the 6th of December 2016 from 17:00 until 20:00!

Justin Tyler Tate says....
November 06, 2016 17:17

Photo album from the November 'FITYMI':

hyksos pledged in support of this proposal!
November 07, 2016 14:26
hyksos has pledged 27Ŧ to this proposal.

Keep 'em coming.

Justin Tyler Tate pledged in support of this proposal!
November 10, 2016 10:30
Justin Tyler Tate has pledged 13Ŧ to this proposal.

remaining from previous pledge after 7Ŧ was spent on scheduling

The next FITYMI on the 6th of December 2016 from 17:00 until 20:00!

Tuomo Tammenpää (tuomo.tammenpaa) pledged in support of this proposal!
November 14, 2016 13:26
tuomo.tammenpaa has pledged 10Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2017-03-08 15:13:14 +0000

stevemaherart pledged in support of this proposal!
February 11, 2017 23:59
stevemaherart has pledged 20Ŧ to this proposal.

Pledge spent at 2017-03-08 15:13:14 +0000

This proposal is now archived and can no longer be edited or commented on.
This proposal became the experiment Fake it Till You Make it, and further information and activity can be found there.