Proposal: Ohjelmointiin ja digitaaliseen piirtämiseen työpaja lapsille
133Ŧ pledged by: hyksos, Andrea Botero (andreuchis), Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels)
1 meeting took place:
Ohjelmointiin ja digitaaliseen piirtämiseen työpaja lapsille
already happened:
18 — 19 Jan 2017
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
A short hands on workshop using scratch Jr to help Children (pre-school age) get familiar with some basics of programing. The workshop uses drawing, games and small group tasks. In the workshop adults (caretakers and parents) and children will work together on a small game. The ws is part of a semester long engagement of the children with the theme of "inventing" and "doing" that also serves as preparation for a longer trip to Tarto in the spring where the children will visit an "inventors village".
The workshop is done with the support of Temporary, in collaboration with Kasityökoulurobotti - Laura Uusitalo (, Vironniemen päiväkodin kannatusyhdistys ( and the Vironiemi childcare center.
- get parents and children to play with programing and digital drawing (perhaps they learn something in between)
- explore what an invention can be
- have fun
18.1 and 19.1 from 9:30 to 11:30 am
pre-school children (eskarit= 6y)
Yaaay Andrea B (andreuchis)!!!!
Yaaay Andrea B (andreuchis)!!!!