Äänen Lumo & Mental Alaska present a workshop by German composer Limpe Fuchs:
"I invite the participants to play my instruments – 2 pendelstrings, Serpentinit stone row, 6 tube drums, soprano kettledrum and small percussion pieces – and they can bring their own instruments.
First I show possibilities of playing with the different tools and after a period of trying – everyone is allowed to – starts the “playing or listening” :Only three are playing, the others are listening. When all have played in different combinations, we decide how to go on.
It is important to stay simple, so that the instruments are treated with love and the skill of ones hands is not overstrained It has to be in balance between chaos and order.
When surety of handling the tools and precision of listening is growing, starts nonverbal communication with music."
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past melkein 6 vuotta. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
Workshop limited to 10 attendants. Please register to join!
Entrance fee changed to 5/3€ because of misinformation elsewhere... So it's even cheaper – even better!