1 loka 2016 16:00 — 19:00
kokeilu #1.4:
Twerk Poetry
Liittyy ehdotukseen:
Twerk Poetry
Twerk Poetry is an experimental activity combining movement and language. Led by Vishnu Vardhani, it will explore if people can 'really shake words out of our heads as we can shake our asses. As we create grooves and moves with our bodies, can we create words, rhymes, rhythms?
Twerk Poetry will explore if language-speaking humans can let go of beautiful words, created in someone's company, as we let go of our awesome energy-filled dances...
Twerk Poetry takes place on Saturday, 1 October at Temporary and lasts from 16:00 - 19:00.
Twerk Poetry:
current experiment status
This experiment is not active.
There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past yli 7 vuotta. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 17:16