Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.
19 touko 2018 10:00 — 16:00 // kokeilu //
kokeilu #1: resonant ears, listening bodies

This Saturday workshop will open up our ideas of what it means to listen, to hear, and to sound.

Discussion will include topics such as the basics of psychoacoustics and the perception of sound, the limits of silence, sound beyond human perception/scale, and sound and the body.
Participants will engage in a range of exercises in sounding and listening, and will be introduced to core ideas and practices relevant to the question: "What does it really mean to listen?"

This workshop is suitable for anyone with a body.


Ava Grayson is an artist and teacher who works with sound and the body. She is a lecturer at the University of the Arts Helsinki in the Sound Art & Sonic Arts programme.

resonant ears, listening bodies: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past melkein 6 vuotta. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

Tämä kokeilu tapahtui jo.
Osallistujaa (3):
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 16:38
Anonyymi henkilö, joka saapui 16:39
Kukaan osallistujista ei ole vielä jakanut näkökulmia koskien tätä kokeilua.


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