Ehdotus: Bird Balls
70Ŧ antoi käyttäjä Katarina Meister (Kata_Meister), Agnieszka Pokrywka (agnes_pockels)
1 tapaaminen tapahtui:
Bird Balls
Tapahtui aiemmin:
23 marras 2016 18:30 — 20:00
Temporary is closing on 1 September 2017. No further experiments will be scheduled, though you can still pledge Temps as supported experiments may form a starting programme for the post-Temporary project.
Oh no, the birds are already behind the window looking at me, because they know I have been wanting to make them some bird fat balls...
In the workshop we would make some bird fat balls and other treats for the small birds, now whose food is deep under the snow. We will try the traditional fats such as lard and suet, but also coconut oil seems to be ok for birds, for those who would like to try this out. You could take all sorts of food scraps with you and we will find out if it is suitable for birds. Let's make them some crazy snacks!
to get creative together, put food scraps into use, give birds some extra energy for winter
as soon as possible
We have to feed that bird who visited Temporary today