Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.
09.01.2017 // News //
Temps blockchain audit

During the first few months of Temporary, you may have noticed the amount of Temps in your account was not correct for what it should have been. This may be due to several reasons: the instability of the Ethereum blockchain in October/November (during which time it was under a DOS attack, and many of our transactions failed and were resubmitted), the instability of our check-in kiosk, or the generally poor coding skills of Temporary/Biathlon developers.

Today we are running an 'audit' script to compare your balances on the blockchain and add or delete Temps as needed so everything will be correct. This only affects your actual, unspent Temps - Temps you have currently pledged to yet-unscheduled events still exist, and are not spent until the event is scheduled.

If you believe there has been an error with our caclulations, please contact admin@ temporary via email. And remember to always check in to activities at Temporary!