Tämä sivusto on arkisto Temporaryn toiminnasta.

News : Finance and expenses

25.05.2018 // News //

Mahdollisuus rahoittaa toinen kausi on lopuillaan! Ilman rahoitusta Kuusi Palaa sulkee ovensa kesäkuun lopussa.

Olkaa hyvä ja mainostakaa Kuusi Palaata kaikialla sosiaalisessa mediassa ja puskaradion kautta. Rahoittamiselle ei ole tiettyä strategiaa, jokainen jäsen voi edistää asiaa miten parhaaksi näkee.

Meidän pitää myydä tarpeeksi osuuksia ennen kesäkuun 15. päivää. Tämä on kaksi viikkoa ennen ensimmäisen kauden loppua. Aikainen päivä on valittu sen vuoksi, että jos emme saa tarpeeksi varoja toiselle kaudelle, Kuusi Palaan osuuskunnan täytyy löytää vuokrasopimuksen mukaan alivuokraaja elokuuhun 2018 asti.

11.05.2017 // News //

Temporary's finances for April 2017 are now available as an Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the expenses for April totalled 1175€ and the income was 100€, leaving a loss (-1075€). To date, the total operating loss of Temporary since opening in September 2016 is exactly 11000€!

We again thank Koneen Säätiö, whose working grants to two of Temporary's instigators allows us to continue to operate at such a loss. If you would like to donate to Temporary, either in cash, Ether, or Bitcoin, please see our information on donating.

02.04.2017 // News //

Temporary's financial report for March 2017 is now available as an Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the operating costs for the month were 1745€ and the income from donations and Temps purchases was 71€

03.03.2017 // News //

Temporary's financial statement for February 2017 is now available as an Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the expenses for the month were 1115€ and the cash income was 15€, leaving a loss (an even -1100€) for the month.

03.02.2017 // News //

Temporary's financial statement for January 2017 is now available via Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the expenses were 990€ and the income from cash donations was 11€ leaving a loss of -979€ for the month.

03.01.2017 // News //

Temporary's financial report for December 2016 is now available as an Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the operating expenses for December were 1396€ and the cash/donation income was 27€, leaving an operating loss of -1369€ for the month.

With 2016 reaching a close, the overall operating loss for Temporary is -6172€ (approximately 1543€ per month). We thank Koneen Säätiö for allowing Temporary to run at this loss, as working grants to individuals have made this possible.

At year's end, after 4 months, Temporary has 192 registered users on the website. 43 different people checked in to Open Day or other experiments in December, a total of 115 times, as well as 35 anonymous people/guest tickets.

03.12.2016 // News //

Temporary's finances for November 2016 can be found on this Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, expenses were 1135€ for the month, while income (in the form of cash donations) was 68€. The loss for the month was -1067€.

03.11.2016 // News //

Temporary's financial report for October 2016 can be found on our Ethercalc spreadsheet. In summary, the costs for Temporary were 1088€ and the income was 25€ (in cash donations), leaving a minus of -1063€ for the month.

03.10.2016 // News //

Temporary's first month is in the books and we couldn't be more delighted with how it went. Amazingly, there are 98 of you who have registered on this site, and 65 of you attended at least one experiment. Already, Temporary has become a site of vibrant, strange and fun cultural exchange with a heavy social and participatory focus. Thank you to everyone and we hope October has just as much energy.

As this was Temporary's first month, expenses were quite high, involving costs for furniture, networking, hardware, and other supplies. Still, several people helped out by donating money to purchase Temps or other equipment. The bottom line is that Temporary cost 2940€ in September, with an income of 267€, leaving a debt of 2673€.

The full financial breakdown can be found as an Ethercalc spreadsheet and most of the receipts for credits can be found in the activity feed. There are some discrepancies in the Temps count due to errors writing to the blockchain, but these will be dealt with and re-submitted in the next few days so everything should be correct by then. 

If you have any questions, send an email to admin@ or just show up to the next Open Day and ask in person.