This site remains as an archive of the activities at Temporary.

Experiment #1.26:
Stories Of...

In May a group of event management students from Arcada will present four days of events and activities at Temporary in order to explore the further shores of the sharing economy. They will be allowed to barter, borrow, exchange time, and use TEMPS to put these events on. They will not be allowed to use money.

In January a group of MA students on the Media Management course will explore Temporary to explore the ideas behind the space and the TEMP. They will work in teams and look at the building, the current membership, the potential audiences, the availability of resources nearby; and from this they will devise project plans, suggesting how the MA students might use elements of the sharing economy to put on events that attract interested participants.

Tonight the two groups will meet for the first time. The MA students will pitch their ideas to the events managers, and everyone else present. They will answer questions, and eventually the room will vote on the pitches.

The events management students will then set about making the winning pitch into reality.

Stories Of...: current experiment status

This experiment is not active.

There has been no activity towards this experiment during the past about 7 years. The experiment is assumed to be completed or abandoned.

3 meetings scheduled. 27 people have checked in (26 distinct people), and 8 guest tickets.

Original proposal: Stories Of... Pitches & Ownership / Owen

Past occurrences:


This experiment has 1 comment.
ramina says....
April 30, 2017 23:38

The stock picture you've chosen for this makes me feel excluded and it certainly does not represent all the people who go to Temporary all the time. I know it's just an image but first impressions are important and based on this one: white suit men I wouldn't come.

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